Thursday, July 8, 2010

Teething Time

Sleep can't come too often for a puppy struggling with the confusion and pain of teething.

Shadow is teething... and suddenly I see why “Has he started teething?” was been such a frequent question over the last few months.

Now nearly five months old, Shadow has mastered the no-nipping rule and has yet to exhibit any great tendency towards chewing non-toys items like furniture, clothing or pillows. (Though I’ve got several shirts with tiny vampire fang marks due to jumping, and one pair of crappy Syrofoam flip flops with a shark-like chomp in the heel.)

But now that the teething stage has arrived, from what I’ve heard, all bets are off.

This morning he can racing into the bedroom, jaw flapping, body jerking around like a mad dog... or a person in so much pain he thinks flailing about will relieve it. That’s what my little guy is going through, and watching it compels my top lip to retreat below the lower and create my own puppy face.

More than usual, Shadow needs to be near me or Chris. He needs to touch one of us, maybe because he thinks we’ll comfort him, maybe because he thinks we have some sort of magic treat that will stop his gums from bleeding and throbbing. Sure, I went through this too, but that was at least 26 years ago and I didn’t take very copious notes at the time.

A gigantic bowl full of ice seems to work well, as does this ChillyBone product we bought (although he does seem keen on tearing off the casing in addition to letting the cold soak into his gums).

Other than that, getting through this stage is a matter of making sure he always has something dog-specific (not the leg of our ottoman) to chew on, comforting him when he needs it, and brushing his teeth because his heartwarming puppy breath now smells like rotting tissue and blood. (If anyone has a remedy for the latter, please please please let me know at; it’s fairly nasty.)

Check back later this week for photos from Shadow’s Fourth of July trip up to Maine. Highlights include his first swim, glamour shots in the mountains, and a rematch with Cousin Moose and Uncle Artie.

Some articles I found helpful:
"Puppy Teething Training Tips"
"Teething Remedies for Puppies" by Glyn Sheridan
"Is Your Puppy Teething?" by Joy Butler
"Puppy Teething Symptoms" by Jessica Cole-Hodgkinson

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