My apologies for not updating the blog earlier this week, but as you can see, I was spending a few days with animals of the not-so-cuddly kind up in Cape Cod.
Don't get me wrong, being away from my Shadow did make the hissing geese and sticky-fingered seagulls somewhat more palatable... but only when they were flying/swimming/waddling in the opposite direction.
Yes, this year I had to not only cut short my family vacation, but go without half my family because Shadow is:
a) a dog, and hence not allowed on many public beaches (what a drag)
b) not yet fully trained, and thus not ready to be left anywhere while Chris and I cavort around said dogless beaches
c) not yet ready in my overbearing motherly opinion to be left in a kennel (and certainly not for this sort of trip, i.e. not overseas)
On Day Two of the trip, I grabbed one of those handy dandy Cape Cod guides at Cuffy's to do some research on "dog friendly" places for next year, and was sorry to see that most were parks or -- get this -- the parking lot by a beach. A few sandy stretches do allow dogs, but one quick drive past Flax and Cliff ponds in Nickerson State Park told me I'd rather turn the hose on him in the backyard. (Crowded doesn't even begin to describe it)

In the meantime enjoy a few photos from the trip which, although short, was very nice :)
Photo rights to these and all others appearing on this blog (excluding links) are the property of the creator of "Me and My Shadow" and may not be used without consent.
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