Monday, January 3, 2011

I Call it Puppy Love

My husband would disagree, but this is how my overly active imagination saw the events of New Year's weekend in Maine:

Once upon a time, Shadow the Silver Labrador loved the freedom that came with visiting his extended family in Maine.
(Click here for more info about his first visit.)
The fresh mountain air and lack of artificial boundaries made Shadow feel alive and full of adventure.
But like many a bachelor, Shadow was happily following his instincts when the unexpected crossed his path.
In his case, the unexpected came in the form of a beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy named Zula.
He didn't know what was happening, but suddenly Shadow was floating on air.
For three days, he and Zula played with each other,
looked out for each other,
and even began to look like each other.
Like all couples, they fought...
but they always made up.
Alas, as is so often the case with young love, the time came for the puppies to part ways.
But as Shadow was summoned to the car, he gave his Zula a final glance and a promise that he would return.


  1. That was a great story. And that is probably exactly what happened.

  2. Priceless! Nothing like a first love. You really captured the moment, great photos!
