Thanks to a tip from a good friend and fellow dog owner, Shadow now has the canine version of an infant's pacifier (Alleluia!)
It's called the Petco Mammoth Bone (PetSmart carries a similar product as well), and it looks like Shadow killed an eight-foot turkey in the backyard and is slowly working on an early Thanksgiving dinner.
Especially because Shadow destroys stuffed toys in minutes, gets bored with toys he can't destroy, and whines for attention the moment he's bored (making it very difficult for me to work), this thing is a life saver.
I do have to limit his chewing time to avoid any possible indigestion (same as if you sucked on hard candies for three hours straight), but that actually helps retain his excitement for the next time. Could it be that Shadow finally has a toy he can't get enough of?
One can only hope. Either way, nothing beats seeing him jump around like it's Christmas morning every time I pull out the Mammoth Bone, and then scamper away to some corner of the yard with his treasure.
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