Yep, the ten-year-old Jack Russell Terrier and co-star of “The Artist” has officially become a STAR!
And who could argue? He’s adorable. He’s funny. He’s loyal. He does his own stunts. He saves the day. For goodness sake, he manages to tug at our heartstrings without a single (audible) bark. That is talent.
Still, all this Uggie mania got me to thinking. If Shadow lived with someone like Omar Von Muller and worked on his training twelve to fifteen hours a day… could he also be a star?
He's already done some stunts.
He doesn't back down from a fight. (So long as it doesn't involve bunnies or cats...)
He's been resilient since his puppy days.
He's into yoga. (A must if he's gonna schmooze in Beverly Hills.)
He's already trying to outdo Uggie’s performance in the breakfast table scene. (Bring it!)
He sings!
And he simply won't take "no" for an answer. (Diva in the making.)
Shadow's already got his paws full alerting me about the treacherous mailman and UPS delivery truck.
So what if, when I play dead, he comes over to sniff me and then shoves a bone in my limp hand? He makes up for that by forcing me to smile when life and work drive me occasionally insane.
Sure, I believe Shadow could play with the big shots if he really set his mind to it. But why would be want to? All those lights, crowds, interviews, exhausting publicity schedules, paparazzi. No thanks.
The Shadow I know likes it simple. Food. Play. Sleep. Scratch.
And indulging his owners with the occasional cuddle :)
And indulging his owners with the occasional cuddle :)
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