Friday, April 23, 2010

Shadow Turns Nine (weeks)

Human sleep hours: SIX   (Score! Best since Shadow's arrival!)
Puppy sleep hours: 12   (seven daytime naps in addition to his six hours overnight)
Puppy accidents: Four   (best yet, but so far we've got two for Friday and it's only 11:30 a.m.)

Shadow plays with his Kong underneath his favorite coffee table

Today is Shadow's nine week birthday, and he's definitely done a lot of growing (aside from what I'll estimate to be five pounds) since he came home with Chris and I nearly a week ago.

While "down" still seems quite elusive, Shadow recognizes the "sit" command and is making great progress with "stay." I found myself happily in error last night when Chris placed a treat on the floor and instructed Shadow to "stay" away from it until he gave the "okay" command. Granted, he only stayed away for about two seconds... but I was floored he did it at all considering just two nights prior he made the toddler "terrible twos" look angelic.

On another happy note, the number and severity of indoor accidents decreased yesterday. In addition to me paying attention to when he eats/drinks and taking him out 10 minutes afterwards, Shadow has started trying to tell us (via telepathy, it seems) when he needs to go outside. Several times yesterday he flashed an adorable "look at me" face and stared at meas if waiting for something (without any indication that I had food). Upon going outside after that, he did his business asap (he's figured out that when he does, he can go back inside).

It seems we've developed some sort of doggy-human line of communication. The next step is to get him to do it even if we're not right next to him at the moment or don't read his mind immediately.

We're still working on the biting/nipping, and his increased comfort with us has led him to start testing his limits (such as trying to jump onto the couch). But he's made great strides for such a young guy already, and has proven that he'll eventually master everything so long as we tell him correctly and consistently.

Oh, and the best part? He actually allowed me time to exercise for the first time in a week by taking an extra long afternoon nap not on my lap. Life is good.

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